If you are looking for ways to imporve english we pick some of the tool that may help you on it.

EngVid is a website that count with team with great teachers who give quite useful tips in english. The way they teach is simple and easy to understand, also you can learn a bunch of interesting information as culture, slangs and so on. So, if you really want to learn english on a good way go check it out. Or you can also find their channel on Youtube. www.engvid.com

This is a podcast avaliable on Spotly and really interesting for those who want to learn english, practice your listeniing, improve your vocabulary and learn on different way. Georgiana, the found of and hoste of the podcast, teach english on differents way, the teacher has a technic where she make a question and answer leasson and introducing the leason on a different point of views. Those two techinics help a lot to remmeber vocabulary and learn gramar on a easy way. Go check it out: www.speakenglishpod.com

Problably everyone already know Netflix, but it can be more useful than just to entertain yourself, you can use it to leran and practice your english. The only thing you need to do it to pick you favorite one and start watching it with english subtitiles then whhen you fell more confortable you start to learn it without, with the time you will realise you are waching to it naturally.

Another easy way to practice your speanking and learn english is watching native english native Youtube vídeos. On this way you are not just to learn english, you will also learn the real english spoken on that place, with slangs and idioms. Some vídeos count with subtitles if you are not that used with english yet. So, find your Youtube vídeo and go improve it.

This website count with a bunch of free english audios where you can listening and read the transciption. That is also a great leasson, once most of the leasson has interesting stories. deepenglish.com

A good way to keep practing and increasing your vocabulatry is listening to our favorites songs. Once you undertand the lyricas you will Always remmember its mening of words and how to use, and everytime ou listening or see that word again you will get it faster.

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